Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing presents a unique holistic approach used to treat a variety of ailments, from fever to heart conditions to cancer. By tapping into pranic or “ki” (chi) energy – the universal force which is our life force – the author presents techniques for beginning, intermediate and advanced healing.

Master Choa Kok Sui (Founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga)

Pranic Healing in this case is a no-touch, no-drug, energy-based healing modality that utilizes life-force or “prana” to improve the health of the body. Pranic Healing is based on the principle that the body in general is capable of healing and normalizing itself. We all have experienced that even without taking medicine, a cough, cold or viral infection can be healed within a week or two. The healing of the body can be accelerated by increasing the life-force in the body. Just as light can affect chemical reaction, which is the principle behind photography, life energy increases the chemical reactions of the body, thereby accelerating its healing process.

Pranic Healing is based upon two major principles, known as ”’the Principle of Self Recovery” and ”’the Principle of Life Energy”. The principle of Self Recovery states that the body in general, is capable of healing and normalizing itself; however sometimes this natural process may take a long time and may be accompanied with pain and much suffering. Increasing the life energy of the body in this case can accelerate this natural healing process.

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Services Offered

Physical ailments

Pranic Healing helps cure from simple issues like fever to Acute & Chronic Health conditions like Diabetes & Hypertension, would you like to HEAL yourself and let go diseased energy from your system.

Emotional Healing

Pranic Healing can be used as a tool to heal anger, stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions like fear as we don’t see them but don’t we feel it? We can help you improve your Emotional Wellbeing.

Relationship healing

Relationships are often a mixed bag of ups and downs.Pranic Healing can help in Enhancing our relationships specially between –

• Couples
• Parents
• Children
• Siblings
• Relatives

Financial Healing

Pranic Healing is a fantastic tool to let go any limiting ideas on poverty consciousness to attract better finances and Abundance in your life! Book your slots now.

Crystal Consultation

Each crystal has different vibration and can be used for spirituality to protecting one self, Do you know crystals can be programmed too! Get your consultation now.

Twin Heart Sessions for Corporates and Schools

We have two free programs for Stress Management for both of them!

Healing for Irregular Periods

Irregular menstruation can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include family history of irregular menstruation, menopause or menarche, physical stress, psychological stress, smoking or medication side effects. Pranic Healing can reduce the pain and make the bleeding flow with ease.

Disclaimer: Pranic Healing is not intended to replace allopathic medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please immediately consult a Certified Pranic Healer. Pranic Healers are not Medical Doctors, but Medical Doctors can be Pranic Healers. Pranic Healers should not make medical diagnosis. Pranic Healers should not prescribe medications and/or Medical treatment. Pranic Healers should not interfere with the prescribed medications and/or with Medical Treatments.



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Open Hours

Monday-Saturday: 09:00 AM – 21:00 PM